Server test


We’re currently in the process of preparing everything; starting from about (!) 8pm CET (7pm UTC, 2pm EST) we’re going to begin our server tests (should nothing interfere). You’ll receive the corresponding invitation via email shortly beforehand.

It won’t just be a test file, but rather you’ll receive a CnC tech demo, meaning you’ll be able to test Cattle and Crops for the first time!

We would like to outline what you can expect and where the release of CnC is going from here:

Release strategy EA:

We’re dividing the Early Access Alpha release of Cattle and Crops into three phases:


Phase 1:     Launcher and tech demo incl. dev map     v0.0.8    (June 9, 2017)

Phase 2:     Tech demo update: Editor             v0.0.9    (June 2017)

Phase 3:     EA release as announced in Kickstarter    v0.1.0    (June 2017)

Using this approach, we have the option to check if, for example, there are problems with certain hardware configurations, the updates run smoothly via the launcher or if there are other severe bugs with the distribution. For you this is finally(!) the opportunity to experience Cattle and Crops for yourself, to look at it, drive around, play around but also to give feedback and constructive criticism.


The tech demo will subsequently be improved and updated until we have a stable CnC version v0.1.0 alpha. After we have ensured stability we will release the CnC EA version via steam as planned. Until then, CnC will only be available with our launcher and server.

What to expect today:

The CnC tech demo contains the current developer DevMap where we carry out our internal tests. You’ll get the Claas Arion 530 and the Köckerling Rebell Classic 410 to work the harvested corn fields. Additionally you’ll be able to drive around, take a look at the farm and environment and acquaint yourself with Cattle and Crops.



For the time being, the tech demo will only run on a 64 bit (x64) Windows system (Win 7 or higher); a version for 32 bit (x86), Linux and Apple will follow later.

The Nvidia graphics error has been fixed with the current drivers (382.53 and above). Please update accordingly.



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